Hi my husband and I are looking to adopt. We had thought about going thru the county foster adopt program but the meeting i attended didnt really seem favorable to us getting a younger child. I was told most are older African American children. They actually didnt seem all the happy about the fact we were mainly looking to adopt and not just foster. Now we are thinking of maybe lookin at adopting a child from out of state. I know several children in the range of what we are looking for that have been available in new york state or potentially we could find a child on a photolisting. Would we still have to go thru foster parent licencing in maryland or how does this work. Any help would be appreciated. Cost is a major issue which is why we gave up on international or regular domestic adoption
You shouldn't give up on domestic infant adoption if what you really want is a newborn. It can be done cheaper and faster than you might think. When I was researching I found MANY agencies with costs around or less than $18,000 all told, which is about what we are spending. DH and I make less than $40,000 together. And you know what? We were able to afford it. Go for adoption through the state if that's really what you want, but don't give up on adopting a newborn because you think it's too expensive. It really, really doesn't have to be.
Okay, I understand. I just wanted you to really know that there ARE options out there to get a newborn that aren't too expensive. I don't know how many people I've had tell me there's no way they could afford it, until I told them what we are spending. I just don't want anyone to miss out because they think, wrongly, that they can't afford it.
Okay, I understand. I just wanted you to really know that there ARE options out there to get a newborn that aren't too expensive. I don't know how many people I've had tell me there's no way they could afford it, until I told them what we are spending. I just don't want anyone to miss out because they think, wrongly, that they can't afford it.
I have a foster/adopt license in Maryland (Montgomery County) and was able to adopt a baby girl (4.5 months old) from NY. The costs came to about $3,100. Because Hanna was an infant from a private agency, I had to pay the NY agency fee ($1000.00), the post placement visits ($975.00) and lawyer costs ($925.00) plus other misc fees. If I had to pay for a private Maryland homestudy, the total cost would have been closer to $4,000. -but the private agency accepted the foster/adopt MD homestudy. The way my Maryland foster/adopt social worker explained it is-if Maryland DHS is doing all the work of preparing your homestudy and not charging you, then they want you to accept a Maryland placement first before looking out of state. After all, they are licensing you so you will adopt from them. However, if Maryland is unable to match you with a child in your age range, they will start working with another agency out of state to get you a child. If you choose a private agency like I did, you have to pay the costs associated with the adoption. If you choose to adopt an out of state child through foster care, most of the costs will be paid by the state. However, you have to give Maryland DHS a chance to match you first before you look at another state like NY. The availability of children (and the ages) changes daily. For example, if you wanted a 2 year old boy-There might not be any 2 year old boys today-but tomorrow they may have three become available for placement. I was looking for a 2 to 5 year old girl and was matched with a newborn (1 month old) girl only 3 working days after my homestudy was complete. Her placement didn't work out and I realized I really DID want an infant-that's when I approached Hanna's agency. Babies and small children do become available often by the state-and are usually adopted by their foster parents. So DHS will want you to be licensed as foster to adopt and they will then try to convince you that a legal risk is your best bet. It IS easy to get a placement that way-but the heartbreak when you give a baby back is very hard. You have to decide if it would be something you could handle. After going through it once, I came to the decision that I COULD do it -so I kept my license active. But you have to give some serious thought to the foster/adopt route before you take a "risk placement".