Ah, the waiting! When will it ever end? Our Dossier has now been in country and we are in the stage that I have read about on so many blogs. We refer to it as the "any day" phase followed by lots of silence. I am really hoping that it goes to the Embay this week. How much time did you wait from reciving the LOI until you left? We are hoping for a very quick turn around as we really need to be back by memorial day for my husband's job.
We're right there with you :) our dossier has been in Kaz since the middle of January. We're not expecting to travel for another month or two though. The waiting is so hard, I thought because we've done this once before it would be easier, NOPE!
What region are you going to? How long did your agency say it would take to have the paperwork go through? Ours stated it would be 8 weeks max for Uralsk. Looks like we will be at or beyond max. I am trying to be patient but as we get closer I am trying to figure out my schedual and my husbands work schedual which is becoming more and more difficult as the time goes on.
We travelled May 2006 and had about a week and a half notice before our LOI took affect. That was about just enough time to get our visa and plane tickets.
We could have left a week or 2 later, but we wanted to get there the 1st day of the LOI. We actually landed about an hour before we were allowed into the country, but after much conversation in the customes booth amongst agents they decided to let me through....since my husband was already let through by another agent.
We're not completely sure what region we're going to yet, hopefully Uralsk as well but we've requested an infant so we need to be a little more flexible but we aren't expecting to travel until late spring/early summer. For our first adoption in 2005 our dossier went to Kaz in late January and we traveled mid-June to Uralsk, I'm expecting somewhat the same schedule this time around. However, each agency is different and if you are looking to adopt a toddler you will probably move much faster than we will :) Hope you get there soon!
We got our LOI Thurday of last week and we are leaving this Wed. :banana:
We did have a five month wait between sending in our paperwork and getting our LOI. Some of that was during the holiday season which usually slows things down. Funny how once you get that LOI and are heading out, the waiting pain is gone, but boy was it diffucult during that time.
We found out today that our paperwork left the capitol and is now on its way to Uralsk and should be there Wednesday. We have requested a child under three and we are keeping an open mind making sure that we are able to select a child that will best fit in with our family. We are just excited to see or hear that our paperwork is alive and well. I kind of think of these little updates like ultrasounds:)