This is my first posting and I could use a little help. My husband I are interested in international adoption, but are having trouble. I am and have been on antidepressants for about nine years. Now I have it mostly for anxiety. Do any of the countries allow you to adopt and still be on them? I am on the lowest dose only 2-3 times a week, but I don't think I should have to give them up all together like one particular agency told me to do.
We are really interested in a Latin American country, but not sure who to look at considering the situation. Has any one else adopted while on antidepressants? And what country did you adopt from? I'm open to any suggestions.
Most, though not all, countries are silent on this matter. What counts is how the information is presented in the homestudy report and dossier, as it will be reviewed on a case by case basis.
If you are basically healthy, do not have a complex psychiatric diagnosis, have never had a mental health hospital admission, never tried to take your life, etc., you can almost certainly have an approved homestudy. You will probably need a letter from your therapist outlining your diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.
Most social workers know that Americans consult mental health therapists and take anti-anxiety and and antidepressant medications for a wide variety of reasons, including protracted grief after miscarriage or a diagnosis of infertility, job stress, the strain of taking care of an aging family member, the death of a family member, etc. Most of these visits and medications are not for what anyone would consider "mental illness". In fact, most social workers view visiting a therapist and taking medication as a positive step towards making a person better able to cope with the challenges of marriage, parenthood, work, raising an adopted child, etc.
If you use a social worker who is very experienced with international adoption to do your homestudy, he/she will know how to word the discussion of your health, so that taking antidepressants for mild anxiety does not raise any red flags in the foreign country.
Many therapists also know how to word letters for adoption, so that they make it clear that a person is not "mentally ill". I was actually able to work with my therapist to come up with a letter that was very positive. She was very supportive of my adoption and glad to state things in a way that wouldn't raise red flags.
The medical report for your dossier will usually have to mention all medications and treatment by a physician. However, if you are taking a medicine only occasionally, on an as-needed basis, and if you haven't actually seen a therapist in several years, the doctor may decide not to bother listing it -- in which case, the therapist letter and such won't even be needed.
I have no idea, but I just wanted to mention that I take Robax when anxiety or depression catches up to me. Then I'm asleep within 20 minutes and by morning I'm in control again. For me that definitely beats going back to Effexor.
Good luck. :)
I'm on Wellbutrin for chronic depression and will be for life. We are adopting from Vietnam, but when I researched options back in November, I had Guatamala, Columbia, and Liberia recommended along with Vietnam.
For our home study (and for USCIS) I had to get a letter from my psychiatrist stating that my depression was well-controlled with the medication and that I would be a good parent to an adopted child. Our regular doctor listed the depression and Wellbutrin on our medical certificate and noted that the depression was well controlled and did not affect my ability to be a good parent. That was all.
Every home study and placement agency I talked to said they thought it was a positive that I was treating my depression and that they would be willing to work with me and find a country that was ok with it. It really is all about how it's worded in the home study, and your placement agency should be able to work with the HS SW to get that right. Some countries aren't accepting of it (such as China), but we really had more options that I thought we would.
Good luck with your journey!
This is my very first time on here!
I am also on medication for depression and have been hospitilized few times for my depression, I am very scared this will affect the adoption process.
My husband and I just found out we are unable to have children It is very hard news to take but I have always wanted to adopt so I know everything happens for a reason.
We would like anyonwe to share any helpful info at all because we are very new to this
I will probably not be too much help for you if you are very intent on adopting outside the US. Both my dh and I are on anti-depressants and adopted babies through our state's adoption program. Our first son we did not need to foster or anything. I understand some have a heart for adoption in a certain region, just wanted to let you know--in case you didn't already the state adoption route isn't too bad and it's typically free too. Take care and let me know if you have any questions. I'm sure someone else will be more help on the international adoption route :).
My dh takes antidepressants and we are adopting from Guatemala. I've heard from several who are currently on antidepressants and adopting from Ethiopia as well.
I can also tell you from my research that most, if not all of the Eastern European countries will not approve anyone who is being treated for "mental illness."
We are also adoptiong from Guatemala. I take antidepressents along with some other medications. There has not been an issue thus far. China, I know, does not allow it.
This brings to mind a question...I was on Effexor but had to take myself off it due to financial considerations. (I had Social Anxiety Disorder and a little depression) My doctor says I don't have to use an anti-depressant anymore and that the Xanax will do for the SAD. If I try adoption in the next few years, will I have to report that I was once on it (the Effexor, I mean)?
my opinion.... no, I would not think that you would have to report anything(any meds) that you are not on or have not been taking recently. Your agency and/or SW will be able to say for sure.
he or she will probably note your treatment for depression, if that was teh doc that treated you. Mine did, and the sw made a BIG deal about it... didn't affect my adoption, just made me a nervous wreck during the process, lol.