Ignorance. If you don't know about a topic or you are not openminded to other's viewpoints, do us a favor and SHUT UP!!!! (can ya tell I'm still peeved, LOL!!)
Oh and waking up to a messy apartment. You know, the way it looks at 6:30 on Friday when I've done the bare min of straightening and I have to shower so me and my fiance can meet friends for dinner?:hippie:
Beter get moving, LOL!!
Nobody else doing the washing up after meals except me, dirty plates being left on the kitchen side instead putting them in the sink, getting a grunt when I ask a question, picking up a trail of clothes and rubbish ... need I say more ... and yes I do live in a household of men.
When you use silverware and instead of putting it in the dishwasher just leaving it on the counter.
Leaving an empty toilet roll on the stand!
Chewing with your mouth open.
How many am I allowed to list. LOL
People being late!!!
ESPECIALLY to work!! If you are consistently ten minutes late, doesn't it stand to reason that logically you should leave ten minutes earlier every day????
People not washing there hands after using the restroom.
Yes along with leaving the toilet seat up
People driving in the overcast, rainy days without lights on.
People who don't clear their car off after a snow.
People who chew with their mouth open