I am in the middle of an initial reunion with a brother that I only found out about last July. Upon learning about my brother, I initiated the contact at first just to pass on some vital family health information.
After we found each other in early December, we were both curious and started the process of exchanging contact information at that time. Upon the suggestion of the representative from the adoption agency who facilitated our contact, we started out with writing letters for a while and have recently been emailing and just exchanged our pictures with each other this past week.
Are there any guidelines for our first face to face meeting, which will be the end of May. If there are books or articles I can read, I would love to know about them and how to get a hold of them.
I have not been able to find any resources that address a sibling reunionwe share a father, who passed away 23 years ago. Given that there are no parents involved, and we are 39 and 42, both have supportive and loving families and parents, and seem to be pretty level-headed about this in the midst of the excitement.
I just went out to California last month to meet my brother and sister for the first time. I sent a letter initially and then we made phone contact along with cards and small gifts for every holiday. I got an Easter card from him yesteday. I was the only child out of 4 that was adopted out but I look just like our mother so there wasn't a lot of question about my being who I claimed to be. Our mother passed away in 97 and our sister in 96. There's alot of other funky family history you can read about in my other posts if you choose to. Anyway, when I pulled up to Greg's house he ran to the car! I sat there stunned! He told me to get out of the car and I did! Then I said something stupid like "So your my brother!" The first day's sort of a fog! We got to talking and looking at pictures and became comfortable with each other. Long story short, just do what feels right to both of you! Sounds like your brother wants contact and that's a good thing. Just go with what feels right for you! There's no rules to this thing. As for the book, maybe you'll write it some day!
How long did you correspond with them before you met them in person?
So funny, your comment about the book -- as I've gone through this, as surreal as it seems sometimes, I've had that same thought.
Thank for your encouragement to follow my instincts. That is what I have done so far, and things have unfolded well.
I'm glad that you had such a nice time with your brother!
Thanks again
I found them almost 2 years to the month before I got to make the trip. It was the most awesome experience of my life! Sounds like your doing just fine following your gut!
My husband and I flew across country a few years ago to meet my birth siblings! It was one of the most wonderful experiences of my life!! They drove up in an SUV, jumped out and lifted me into the air in a big group hug! What a wonderful welcome!!
It you'd like to "chat" please private message me and I can tell you more about it.
Hi there, a few weeks ago I met my birth sister for the very first time, I have 2 other sisters and mother which are alive, I can only suggest take it in your own stride. I started with emails then some phone calls and when I met her I was beside myself, I cried so much it was VERY emotional, I tried to keep my head straight and said to myself don't cry but I did, and it was okay, she was really lovely, she had already met my mum and sisters but I live in a different city. I don't think any book to give you the correct advice or tell you how to feel, be strong and good luck!