I read and find useful information here still I have a question if you guys can answer it. I read that for adoptive breastfeeding we can use pumping and domperidone. Can I just take domperidone and do pumping and can produce milk without taking birth control pills? I will appreicate your responses as my adoptive son is 4 months old now and I am planning to breast feed him. I am not interested of making an adequate milk supply, but atleast I can produce some. Thanks, Nabeela
That is exactly what I did. I started with 10 mg./day for 2 days to get use to it then added 10. mg a day until I was up to 80 mg./day (20 mg. 4 x/day) and pumped three times a day for 10 min. each sitting. I had milk in 2days. However I have given birth and nursed twice before, but that was 13 years previous so I don't know if that had an impact on my sucess. I did not use a SNS. My daughter weaned herself at 9 mo. She is now 2 and I STILL have milk *LOL*
Thanks for your reply, one more question, can I take this medication any time, before or after menses, any preference? thanks
You just start taking it. You will produce less milk around your period usually anyway so don't be surprise if you see a decline around that time while pumping.
One more thing I need to ask you guys that I have never been pregnanat, is it still possible to produce some milk with DOM/herbs/pumpling (without BC pills). Please respond, thanks.
You don't have to be pregnant or on birth control to develope milk making tissue and begin producing milk for your child.
To produce milk your body needs the hormone prolactin. This is created naturally while you are pumping, breastfeeding, using domperidone, and your body naturally produces more of it in the early morning hours between 1-5am. (that's why you should ideally pump once or twice a night between those hours, to benefit from your natural production of it).
Nursing is based on a supply and demand scale. the more frequently you pump/nurse the more you are telling your body to create more milke. You body will naturally create more and more milk making tissue as your supply increases based on your demand.
The benefit of using a BCP before you begin pumping/nusring is to build more milk making tissue before you begin nursing so you can have a bigger supply up front and in the long run. But it is NOT necessary. It may take a little longer but you will build your supply just by pumping/nursing alone.
Taking the domperidone and herbs only boost in milk production because it increases the prolactin and prolactin helps make more milk.
So if you don't want to take a BCP first that's ok, it will only help....but it won't hurt(if you don't take it)....just as the herbs and meds...will help!!!
I'm just curious, is there a reason you don't want to take it? Do you know when your baby is coming to you? How much time do you have to prepare? How importnat is it to have your supply built up BEFORE the baby comes? how important is it to you to be able to produce a FULL supply of milk?
If the baby is already here or coming in the next month then I wouldn't even worry about the BCP. But if you have longer, or a LONG time to wait than using the BCP(and Domperidone) is the easiest way to build up your milk making tissue between now and then, so you'll be ready for when the baby comes.
Thanks for your reply. I have already adopted my son, now four and a half months old :flowergift:. I got him when he was only one day old, but for some reason I cannot start the breastfeeding procedure at that time. Now I am ready for it and want to produce atleast some milk for my baby. He is on the formula feed now. I am going to start DOM soon and been doing pumping for few days. Please pray for my succes.