Has anyone in the Vanderburg County area had any luck with a contested adoption of a stepchild or terminating maternal rights? Any suggestions for an attorney that is very knowledgeable in this area?
Has anyone in the Vanderburg County area had any luck with a contested adoption of a stepchild or terminating maternal rights? Any suggestions for an attorney that is very knowledgeable in this area?
These questions are based on my being adopted by a stepfather when I was 7. They may not apply to your situation. But you gave very little info.
First, how old is the child?
Is the child young enough to not remember this happening?
Is the child old enough to someday wonder why you would take his/her mother away?
Was the child abused? This of course would be a very good reason to end the mother's rights.
I said I was seven, there was no abuse from my father. My parents had been married. My mother gave me a line of how we would all now have the same name. That it would be best. Then after the adoption my mother tried to make me beleive that my father didn't love me. That his new family was more important. In the end, it was my mother who abused me and step/adad who molested me.
But at age 7 I knew my fathers side of the family and loved them. After all aren't daddies supposed to love their little girls. I held onto that belief my whole life.
My mom and step dad divorced when I was 12, I rarely saw step/adad after that, and haven't seen him in more then 20 years. I don't care. I live a mile from my bio/real father. I bio/real father adopted me back when I was 35. I wanted my real last name back, even if I never use it.
Sometimes step parents adoptions aren't what the child wants, but they are often too young to understand what the adults are doing.
If the mother is using drugs or abusive, that changes everything.
Good luck,