I am in District 1 (Okaloosa County) and I am just beginning the process. I start MAPPS on May 29. I spoke with someone yesterday and he gave me a lot of great information. Does anyone else have any tips or a timeline for things in District 1? I have heard different districts do things differently and on a different timeline.
Thanks!! I have been enjoying reading all the past and present posts. I am learning so much from everyone!
Oh cool, another D1 person!! I live in Walton County and my adoptive homestudy is just now being finished and approved. I also work for DCF as the paralegal in the Walton County office.I really like our people, but have been frustrated by FFN's slowness in dealing with my study, and I *work* with them, so I'm not sure how things are going to be for someone who doesn't. Squeaky wheel, though, just not too squeaky.I want to adopt and would have done foster care also to speed things along except that employees are not permitted to adopt their foster children. Sarah
They didn't tell me about the accelerated classes. I thought that we must not have any in our district. I would rather do that than the 8 weeks. I will have to call back and check on the accelerated course. What did they look for in the home study for our district? Certain questions? Things around the house? I have read that there are supposed to be no locks on the doors (bedroom inside), but then when I was on the phone he told me they have to have locks. Do you know anything about this? Do you receive a lot of calls?
There are a lot of things they are looking for in the home study, but when they did ours, they only asked about smoke detectors. Nothing else really... we were ready with flashlights in every room, fire extinguisher, medications locked u, etc... but they only wanted to see the smoke detectors! They did take pictures, but nothing out of the ordinary. I haven't heard about the locks. Our bedrooms do not have locks, but they never did look at them. We receive about 5 calls a week about taking children. We are only licensed for 1 child at the moment, but since we started we have been overcapped with 2 and sometimes 3. We made a second bedroom for the children, and today licensing came out to approve us for 4. It's huge need for foster homes!
They didn't tell me about the accelerated classes. I thought that we must not have any in our district. I would rather do that than the 8 weeks. I will have to call back and check on the accelerated course. What did they look for in the home study for our district? Certain questions? Things around the house? I have read that there are supposed to be no locks on the doors (bedroom inside), but then when I was on the phone he told me they have to have locks. Do you know anything about this? Do you receive a lot of calls?
I am getting babies from santa rosa, escambia and have been called with walton. I have to say that FFN was really quick with our home study and licensing. We finished classes in middle Dec. and we were licensed and ready to take babies first part of January. I was licensed for 1 and had them bump me up to 2 a couple of months ago... There is such a need in these counties. I usually keep 2 babies in my home...I rarely have only one.