Well everyone, we made it out of ICPC and are now back home in Pennsylvania. The days are crawling until we reach the 14 days of the TPR for the birthmom. The birthfather, who is in Georgia, is being slow about signing his TPR. He has told both the BM and her social worker that he intends to sign the papers, but he's said that he hasn't had time to get to a notary.
I'm so in love with our little peapod that I cannot bear the thought of a disruption.
She IS a pretty little wee one, that's for sure! I hope things continue to move positively and you're out of the woods/worry soon!
Most Sincerely,
I'm so in love with our little peapod that I cannot bear the thought of a disruption.
She is a gorgeous little baby. Her little face is just perfect. I love those eyes!