Hello! I am new here and hope I do things properly! We are very near to getting the adoption finalized. The court date is set for last week in June! We are adopting our granddaughter from the state foster care system. She has lived with us since she was 2 weeks old. She is now almost 15 months. It has been a wonderful, but very busy year!
My question is this: What do we expect at the final court hearing to finalize the adoption? I know that may sound silly, it's just that we are so excited and don't want any surprises. Should we dress casually or really dress up? Who all will be in the court room when our turn is called? Can anyone tell me what to expect? :thanks:
I'm not in your state but we had the option of having our attorny get the judge's signature for finalization or to be present and have a ceremony of sort.
I wore a summer dress to our first adoption an at our second I dressed casual but nice.
Basically the judge was very lax and casual as well though in her judge's robe. She met our family and let the kids tour her chamber. We (my husband, me and sons) got to go behind the judge's bench (both adoptions) and watch her sign the final papers. It was not court as we've known court.
I've heard many families describe similar casual court settings.
Thank you mj77. Our attorney did tell us that the 3 of us are required to be there, my husband, myself and our adoptive daughter.
I know the courts here in Wichita have very busy dockets. So, I'm thinking it will be somewhat of a formal court thing and quick, rather though casual and relaxed.
If anyone in Wichita, KS has experience with this, would love to hear from you.
Thanks everyone. Looking forward to end of June!
Just my experiences - no matter how busy the docket/calendar is most Judges love having adoptions in their court room and will make a big deal out of it.
We live in Kansas...but not in Wichita. Our adoptions were over fast. I wore a simple dress and husband wore nice pants and shirt. The kids were dressed nicely, also. I think it took more time to get everyone ready than the time we were in the court room. :confused: It was just the judge, staff and us {our family and SW} in the room. Our attorney did all the talking and it was over before we knew it! We celebrated afterwards.
Congratulations!!!! :banana: