I've been having trouble answering emails from other bloggers from my blog email account. One to Coley and one to Holly both came back with an error message.
Anyone else having this trouble? And can someone techie check this out, please?
Please post Technical Problems on [url][/url]
I will check with the Support Team - but I need more information and will need more information any time anyone posts about a problem:
What error are you getting? Can you post the exact text of the error? The time the error occured? etc?
I'll post this here and on the tech board.
The error message I just got trying to respond to Lisa's email at 9pm your time is
This is what I get every time I try to send mail to another blogger, too.
Did you get the email Nancy sent on 5/15? [url][/url]
There are a number of changes to the forums for Bloggers, which you can read about there.
How is it that I've been here for well over a year and haven't seen this URL for tech issues until today?
Communication is a tricky thing.
Let's just start fresh now, shall we?