We are in Montgomery county. Homestduy being written up and then all done on our end.
We are in Montgomery county. Homestduy being written up and then all done on our end.
Where in Montgomery County?? We're in Norristown!
I am in Hummelstown Pa and just got a respite placement after 18 months of waiting !!!!
That's great 7brats! How old and how long will she be with you? How's the house coming?
He is 11. Not sure how long he will be with us but we are all enjoying him being here. I think he likes it too because he doesn't want to go visit his bio-family. He keeps putting it off!!
The house is coming along but its soooo sssssssssssslow......In the meantime I am settling in my new home in Middletown. It taking us a little time to get used to the city since we live in rural Hummelstown.
Thanks for asking!!!
I'm from Lower Bucks County, ride outside of Philadelphia. We have adopted one daughter through Bucks County C&Y.
We were just placed with a new foster child on 10/25/10--she was born on 10/22/10!
We've been foster parents for almost 3 years...don't know where this road will take us but it sure is an interesting ride!
We are in Lancaster County. Finally finished all our training, paperwork, and homestudy. Hopefully we will be officially approved and waiting for an adoption placement from the foster care system.
WE are homestudy approved, finally! Waiting for our match meeting with the matching specialist next week and then Family Dept. worker to come out and finish paper work for PA FC license.
We are interested in adopting 1 girl 5-9 yrs old.
We will go up to some moderate behavioral, emotional needs.
Feels great just to be approved.
Started networking with all 40 some counties in PA and with a co-worker's friend that volunteers at Adopt America Network. She is keeping her eye out for a girl.
Anyone do interstate adoption? I have had some reponses from workerss on some girls. We do not want to ruin our relationship w/our agency just yet. They want us to work for 1 yr in PA before looking out of state. We can buy the homestudy now but I am not sure if this will hurt a chance to adopt in the local surrounding counties. Basically, we do not want to hurt our chances with our agency. I hear you have to be proactive and still think we should try out of state now and not wait.
Can you PM me the lancaster CY S address? I think that I have it but want to make sure.