I'm on "vacation" still, attempting to post from my mother's house which uses IE7 (GAG, and no other option). I wrote out a post. I always save as draft and then go into the posts and press Publish Now! When I did, I got the usual screen. I then clicked Exit to Blogs (in the upper right hand corner) to make sure it posted, like I normally do. It was on the front page. But when I clicked the Birth-First Parent blog, the post wasn't showing up over there. So, I went back to the front page, clicked on "more" and got the "there is no post to display" message.
I've unpublished and published a few times. Frustration level is high. :)
(Also e-mailed this to Lisa from my personal e-mail!)
Update: I tried unpublishing and publishing again, the fifth time, and it worked that time. So, the issue is resolved but, in the past, this has happened before and didn't take so long to resolve. Just might want to keep an eye on things.
Have a nice day, all! :)