On the news this morning a story aired about a girl that abandoned her baby somewhere around Disneyland. She had it in the bathroom and put the baby in the trash can according to the news. The girl was identified and arrested and they had her picture on the news. She was only 17. As a birthmom who went 9 months telling no one I was pregnant. I know what this girl was feeling. I went to the hospital to deliver and had to have a C-section. But by the grace of God I did not deliver in the college dorm. No one knows what that child was feeling the fear, the confusion and the pain. I can not stand the people who judge, I hope that there are others out there that will pray for her. She needs our prayers for strength.
I agree. We need to create a climate where a crisis pregnancy is not considered the ultimate low a woman can be in. We need to let women feel blanketed in love and acceptance before they get to that point of desparation.
I totally agree with what you are saying, I gave my child up at 16 my parents made me. My father was a school teacher in a small town where we lived and it was very shameful back then. I just remember being very afraid and I had no support from anyone. I was not aloud to speak of my pregnancy to my younger brothers and sisters my parents told them as I was getting bigger that I had a tumer in my stomach and when I went to the hospital to deliver they were told I was going to have the tumer removed. I had so many things happening to my body and I didnt know how to deal with it and I couldnt talk to anyone about it and my Mother wouldnt even talk to me about it. I was so scared about labor and I remember the pain and being in the hospital. They wouldnt let my parents stay in the room with me. I was screaming out with pain and a nurse came in and told me thats what you get sweety for getting in this situation. I lived with this guilt all my life. I know now I did the right thing by putting my son up for adoption. After 37 years I did find my son and we had a great reunion, but he dosnt keep in touch with me any more I dont know why, but I am still thankful that I found him and got to meet him. I feel very blessed.