Did You Know - has around 800 forum topics of discussion? Many of you know we have 10 main forum categories, but did you know if you click on those categories, there are a ton of sub-forum categories more detailed to specific topics?
I know I've visited several forums and had no idea there was a forum for "Getting Started", or Toddlers And Preschoolers", "Adoptive Parents Post-Adoption Emotional Issues".
As you visit the site, what other forum categories do you post in? Or just lurk and learn? I, myself, like to read the "Raising A Boy" because being a mom to 2 boys its nice to hear others dealing with the same issues and concerns. But the best part, I usually get a really good laugh reading on this forum.
So, please share! There's bound to be someone here that didn't know about all the forums available and just might be searching for that topic!!!!!