We started going through the homestudy for foster care licensing since we were told we wouldn't get any kind of subsidy until the adoption is finalized (we are low income). Dh is feeling offended/annoyed that we have to change so many things and have our home "just so" inside and out. He says he still feels good about adopting, but doesn't want to have to report every boo-boo to the state, and just in general be put under a microscope. Would it be any different to just go straight to adoption through the state? Or is it just as invasive? we could find a way to make it work financially if we had to.
Personally I found the whole thing invasive. How invasive it is really depended on the social worker. I had just about every extreme from one who checked every closet on every visit, to one that was deathly allergic to cats so she met with us on the lawn chairs outside.
If you do straight adoption the 'detailed review' type stuff is shorter, but is still at least 6 months.
The other problem is that the kids available for straight adoption tend to have bigger issues.