The time is getting closer than you think:arrow: School is fast approaching. Are you having jitters yet?? What irritates you most about getting ready for the "Big" day?:hissy: I'm not there quite yet so this should be interesting.
i'm not there yet either. I still feel the tingle of excitement when September arrives and all the school supplies are on sale... Oops. Dating myself. that's back when schools ran from Labor Day to the end of June. Now it starts in August... My sister's big beef right now is: SCHOOL UNIFORMS. This will be the first year my niece has to wear them (not required in Kindergarten). It's a private school, and it's not overly cheap, but still - their uniform code is pretty strict, so she's not been able to find khakis in "regular stores" to meet the code and is going to have to buy jumpers/pants/skirts from Land's End to meet the requirements. Fortunately, she's found one store which will carry acceptable tops that she can get on sale.... My other friends - the cost of public school items. They now provide detailed lists of what the children should buy (down to the number of crayons allowed in a box) and include things for the classroom that teachers/school systems can't fit into their budget (such as art supplied, tissues, antibacterial gels). I thought public school was free. My friend has 2 kids and says between books and these other supplies, it may cost up to $300 a piece!
Ohhhhh... we are still a long way from school days, but just the thought of it scares the bageebees out of me! School now days is sooooooo different from when I was in school. It's scary and expensive. I went to a small town, and other then paying school taxes and Mom and Dad buying my fundraising chocolates once a year so I could go on field trips and sports events, I can't really remember there being "fees". The supply lists were simple and generic. Life was just 'easier'. How times have changed. I really don't want to let the little man go to the big bad school. I have 4 years still to relax and ease my mind, or become more nuerotic and homeschool maybe....
The back to school feeling is so exciting. Getting supplies and putting my name on was so fun! K has a few more years to go, but someone I know who taught kinder said her school would put on a "boo-hoo breakfast" for the parents on the first day. After they took their children to class for the first time, they could go to the cafeteria for breakfast. That way, the parents could "boo-hoo" and meet other parents and let the children get settled into their first day!
There's nothing I have against back to school time, but the thing I do have a problem with is all of the parent oriented homework. I don't have any kids of my own, but my brother teaches night classes, and my sis-in-law is on call at the hospital every other week, so I have my nephews a lot when she's on call, so I get to help out with homework. I know that those kinds of assignments are designed to get the parents to spend time with their kids, but at the same time if the teacher feels called to give assignments like that, give a bigger time frame than a night or two.