OK so I am a little late, here is the topic for the day. Do you think ADA has done enough? Too little, too much? Etc. Some say we still have a long way to go until the disalbed are truly accomodated in our society, others wonder why we should spend so much money to cater to such a small group of people and think the cost, esepecially to small businesses is too high. What do you think?
OK I will answer myself! LOLI can see both sides, I have seen small businesses struggle with this, but at the same time, I worry about my son when he gets older. Right now we carry him into most restaraunts as it's just a pain to try to get the wheelchair through, but someday he will be too heavy or too proud to be carried. We can't get into some old buildings here in town without going through the back door. (post office and dentist to name two!) And many places don't have van parking, so I have to take up two spaces to ensure I can get the lift out, if someone parks beside me, I can't get my son back in. For now I can back up and load him in the street if I have to, but what about when he is driving? Anyone else have these worries about thier kids when they get older?