When I am writing a series to "drip" at a later date, I used to use the permalink feature in order to get the URL for a post that has not yet published. From the "Edit" tab, I would click on the link at the bottom right corner of the post for which I needed the URL. Even though the web page would say that the file was not found, the URL would appear. I would copy the URL and paste it into my link. Then, when the post published, the link would work correctly.
Something has changed. Now when I try to do this, the page automatically routes to the following URL:
Is there a way to stop this "forwarding" so we can copy URLs for posts that have not yet published? I tried using the back button, but that does not work.
Thanks for your help.
- Faith
Sorry Faith - no, there isn't.
The reason why is because for a long time, we weren't tracking the 'broken' stuff - and that ended up making us have a LOT of broken in order to keep up with it, we've implimented a system wide 404 plan, that allows us to track when someone clicks a bad URL - by redirecting them to a page that tracks hits and referers.
I know this will change the way bloggers can link...but this was something that we HAD to do, not only for us and our technical side, but also for you and your ability to maintain a good 'rank' in Google.
You will notice a distinct pattern in every url. Once you learn this formula, you can put together the url of any blog to be published in the future. Here it is, by the numbers:
They all start with http://
Then you add the blog topic followed by a period attachment-disorder.
Then you add
Then you add the title of the blog in lower case letters, no spaces or punctuation, with a dash between each word should-i-change-my-child-s-legal-age
When you put it all together, you get a complete url for a real blog:
[url=]Reactive Attachment Disorder Blog - Should I change my child's legal age?[/url]
Take a look at your published blogs and notice the formula. It's easy after you try it a few times.
Of course this all goes out the window if you save your blog with one title and then change it to another title. (That's why you should always insert the title first and keep it.)
Also - we'll be making changes to the URL's in the coming weeks/months.
For you long timers - you'll remember that our blogs were launched without the index.php in the URL - some how, that changed - and now it's there.
That will be coming out - at some point. So, just an FYI :)
Thanks for the information.
I have been copying over the http through the weblogs from other posts and then copying the auto generated URL at the bottom of the post, so I **think** that will do it. I will test it out when the next ones publish.
- Faith