I was so hoping to hear someone say that they put on their makeup, pick their nose, or maybe clean the car. Me....I always have a book to read with me.
Well, I don't pick my nose or do make up, but I do keep tweezers in the car for these times. I'm telling you...nothing like the power of natural sun light to catch those unsightly chin hairs. Yes..I'm really a man...;)
So when dh and I were going away for our anniv, it took us an hour to make it 5 miles down the road...and finally there was an exit so we got off and went another way.
We used the time to just talk. :) We were a bit antsy and wanting to get going as we were hungry and didn't have snacks. Our 45 minute drive turned into 2 hours!
Now I realize that I am the straight and arrow kind of picking nose could happen....maybe...but youngest son that finger is always the nose.
Crick...what is up with the chin hairs?!! I have a few too....but never thought about them during a traffic jam.