Just wanted to remind other adoptees to search for an affidavit of disclosure or non-disclosure FIRST before doing anything else. It is possible that your birthmother signed an affidavit of disclosure, allowing your original birth certificate to be released to you.
I just found my birthmother in less than a few weeks and it only cost $13.
I was born in August 1979 and adopted through LSS. As of a few weeks ago, LSS stated that there had been no updates to my file. However, a week later I received my original birth certificate in the mail from the Department of Health, and it had my birthmother's name on it!! They said that she had signed an affidavit of disclosure, which allowed them to release my birth certificate.
Absolutely make sure you check with the Department of Health first thing. You can find the form on the Minnesota Department of Health's website. You have to fill out some information and have it notarized and send with a check for $13.
It is worth a try!
Hi Melissa,
I was wondering if you knew how long it takes to receive that information? I sent for it about 2 weeks ago. (I know I'm being impatient...sorry!) Hopefully it will bear something. I also requested a certified copy of my birth certificate which was really disappointing! (I received that within days.) It was very generic and gave no information such as time of birth etc. I am waiting to send in for non-identifying medical info until I find something out about the affidavite of disclosure/non-disclosure. Hopefully I hear something soon. Every time I go get the mail, my heart jumps into my throat. The waiting is a killer.
Thanks for any info on the length of time and congrats!