For the people with school age kiddos, how are your mid quarter grades?
I have 2 in 1st grade(1 Ukraine & 1 Belarus),so this is the first time for real grades. We are very pleased. They are each receiving A's. The teacher tells us there is no need for a conference unless we have questions.
So far so good with grades for the end of the second quarter.
We are going through something with our oldest. He has decided that he misses Mommy and Daddy. He cries when we leave him at school. It started before Christmas break so I thought it would be better after the break, but the night before they went back to school he was crying. I have went through all the questions with him and the teachers and principal,( is he having trouble in class, is there a problem with a student, is there someone new that he is has contact with). Maybe it is a phase, and this to shall pass.