I was born in Little Rock Arkansas on November 17, 1978. I was adopted by a wonderful caring family and would absolutely love to establish contact my Birthmom to thank her for having the courage to have me :)
I have some information regarding the adoption. I am not sure of some of this information but it is all I have to go on.
1. DOB: 11-17-1978
2. Gender: Male
3. Hospital: Doctors Hospital (Little Rock, AR)
4. Birth Name: Joey Gwin
5. Birthmom: Sophomore at the University of Arkansas. If this is accurate, she would be approximately 47 now.
My original birth certificate had my birth name whited out and I was able to determine the original text. It might not be 100% correct spelling.
The information about the birthmom might not be correct as I hear that the limited birthmother information sometimes provided is embellished.
If anyone has any suggestions on how to proceed with this information, I would really appreciate it.
Ryan Daniels
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I was just doing a quick search through here and found my original post on here from 3.5 years ago. I have not really made much progress since this post and have not found either of my birthparents although I have not been looking very hard. I thought I would just bump this up and see if anyone might see it again.
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