Hi Ladies! My DD, 10 months, has been giving us a real hard time the last week or so about taking her second nap, usually around 4 o'clock. She seems tired but either she won't sleep at all or it lasts about 20 minutes. So my question is at what age do babies go from two to only one a day? She seems kind of young to only take one nap. Is she transitioning to only one nap or is awake time just more fun than sleeping??Thanks for any input!
Not sure about typical babies as I don't think our DD was typical (took 3 naps until around her 1st birthday). DD also slept really well all night. I would say around 1st birthday she quickly cut out the evening nap (her 3rd)... and did that thing where she seemed to need it but refused it. So, we started putting her to bed a little earlier (ie used to be put down between 8 and 8:30, changed it to between 7:30 and 8) which really seemed to help. Then a couple months later it just worked out that her morning naps kept getting pushed later into the afternoon and she started doing 1 nap a day from about 12:30 to 3 and she was fine with it.Has your/her schedual changed recently so her naps were getting interfered with? Or has she learned a new skill (or maybe getting ready for a new one)? When DD learned a couple new things she'd have more fun doing those (such as pulling herself up or sitting up, etc.) and then couldn't figure out how to lay back down to sleep.Or, maybe she just is ready to move to 1 nap and you can try holding off on her morning nap and/or possibly try putting her to bed a little earlier (as long as she still sleeps at night like normal).Good luck!
I hated it when my babe started to transition from 2 to 1 nap a day. I don't know if it was more because I needed that ME time, or just because I didn't want him to grow up so fast!!!! I think part of his sleeping schedule went crazy when he was teething the worst or having a growth spurt, and then it seems around the 12 month mark he just moved himself to 1 nap a day... But thank goodness, we often get 3 or 3.5 hour naps out of him still! It's a blessing!
Hi Mavis,Our baby K, now 15 months, went from 2 naps to 1 nap about 3 weeks ago. When she was about 7 or 8 months old, she went from 3 naps to 2 naps. When K was in nap transition, she too seemed to need that extra nap but would not sleep. Actually, I found it easier with each transition that there were fewer napping times. There was more time to go to the grocery store and get back before she was tired! On the flip side, now I really have to get done what I need to do when she is napping that one time--no more second chance in a day!
Our 4 mo old baby sleeps on average 8 hours a night and maybe 1 more hour. So it's 8-4 (guess I should be happy!) But its exhausting because he doesn't nap!
About 3 times a week I get him down for that 2 hour after waking up nap which is about 45 minutes.
And guess what!! That is IT. He doesn't nap from9/10 until he goes back to sleep at 7:30/8. It is exhausting. 11 hours straight full on.
Ironically, today he slept 8-5:30. 8:00 - 9:30 and 3:15 - (4:45 and still sleeping) I am so miffed I don't quite know what to do with myself. Tomorrow he very well not nap at all!
I have found that the more naps he takes, the better he sleeps at night. I wonder why some little ones don't take naps!
Maybe a trend has begun! Anyway I read you posts with complete nap envy. Just thought you should know LOL.
Hi Ladies! My DD, 10 months, has been giving us a real hard time the last week or so about taking her second nap, usually around 4 o'clock. She seems tired but either she won't sleep at all or it lasts about 20 minutes. So my question is at what age do babies go from two to only one a day? She seems kind of young to only take one nap. Is she transitioning to only one nap or is awake time just more fun than sleeping?? Thanks for any input!