How do you handle when your child asks difficiult questions? This can be any question you would find difficult.
I try to answer as honestly and age appropriately as I can. I have also said at times "that's a great question and I need some time to think on a good answer" or "Let's talk about it later when we have more time".
Depends not only on the question, but where we are and who is around. lol.
Dh got the more difficult one last week actually, and then told me about it so I could follow up. Dd was watching a documentary on pirates of all things and the word rape was mentioned. Dh was around at the time so he got the question of "What's rape??" I followed up later and we were honest to her age level. (she's 9 1/2) This was so not a question I wanted to answer for her at her age, but given our society...wanted her to know honestly too.:(
Like crick, it depends on the question and who's around at the time. If we're with other people, I'll say "let's talk about it when we get home, okay?" Otherwise, I try to answer as age-appropriately as I can and I let their questions drive the conversation - so instead of offering too much info, I'll answer what they ask and see where it leads.
I do the same as the above posters. As much info as is appropriate. As a for instance, my sons know that their bio moms used drugs and couldn't care for any children. I don't tell them all the details, though, about the neglect, the domestic violence, the living on the streets, etc. Someday...maybe. Like when they are in their 40's.
I always try to answer to the best that I can and based on their age that they can understand. I also know that both will think about it and come back later with more questions.
I try to change the subject as quickly as possible, or I tell them to look it up on the internet. If they are really persistant and keep asking me I tell them to wait till dad comes home because he can explain it better than me. And if that doesn't work, if they insist I answer them, I make up something that seems plausible without the risk of embarrassing me.
okay, no, I do what the rest of you do. I answer honestly, but keep it age appropriate and if they are asking a question in an inappropriate setting I tell them to remind me and I will explain when we get home.