OK, here's the plan, let's see if it works! :DI will start off with a jingle, and since it's just words and you can't hear music, it might be harder for you, but I"ll start easy. Name the jingle and then start another one. Example: "No one can eat just one, no one can" Answer: Lays Brand Potato ChipsSo, here's our first one:"Give me a break, give me a break, break me off a piece of that _____ _____ _____"
Ani, haven't a clue. Maybe the "blue label"?
And yes, I remember the Fig Newton who used to dance across the stage. "The BIG FIG NEWTOOOOONNN!"
Does anyone remember the dancing pack of cigarettes? The sexy legs hanging out the bottom must have just caused people to run right out and buy them, ya know? LOL Dh says it was Kool cigarettes, but I thought it was Lucy Strike. (Shows how much we paid attention. :rolleyes:) Whatever. Maybe it was Camel? ROFL
Here's another one:
Yum, yum, _________, I love _______ ....
LOL All I can think of is the local one where I lived in CA.
"It's Cal Worthington, and his dog Spot! and "Spot" was always a zebra, or elephant, or pig, or whatever animal he could get to do his commercial with him. I think the orangutan was pretty funny because it was not interested in mugging for the camera.
"...bring out the __________ ________ and bring out the best!"
LOL All I can think of is the local one where I lived in CA."It's Cal Worthington, and his dog Spot! and "Spot" was always a zebra, or elephant, or pig, or whatever animal he could get to do his commercial with him. I think the orangutan was pretty funny because it was not interested in mugging for the camera. "...bring out the __________ ________ and bring out the best!"
It's Best Foods mayo, which is known as Hellman's east of the Rockies. I asked my then-room mate, "So, does the jingle go, 'Bring out the Hellman's, and bring out the He**?' She glared at me and said, 'No! It's bring out the Hellman's and bring out the best!', which of course is just so Not Right. It's 'Bring out the Best Foods, and bring out the best.' :evilgrin:
I think the Broker is E. F. Hutton, but I don't know what he says. I know that "...when E.F. Hutton speaks, people listen", though.