What's the worst gift you ever got?
I will start:
One year we moved at christmas and so our new church decided to provide christmas for us. I think there four kids in the family at the time. Well they got mixed up and thought I was a boy. So I got a baseball and glove and bat and a hat. I was trying to be more girly at that time and hated sports. (I couldn't play cause they all cost money and so I had responded by just deciding I didn't like sports) I know they meant well, but the other kids all got tons of stuff as people were happy to buy for younger kids, but didn't choose me to buy stuff for. My little sister got tons of barbies (I loved barbies) and my mom told her she did not have to share. LOL I feel guilty about it now, but I was a nine year old at the time and really was miserable. If I had been a smarter kid I would have just learned to like baseball. However, my mom gave the baseball stuff to my brother since I didn't like it. That made me even more mad, cause then I had nothing. I was a pretty cranky kid that year.
I think my worst gift was the year I found out I couldn't conceive. My Mom gave me a precious moments figurine that says something about God gives us roses in December for memories. It is a girl sitting beside a tombstone and Mom said I needed to grieve my biological child. That same year, my Grandfather gave her a doll, like a toy baby doll. She kpet holding it and saying, "I guess this is as close as I'll ever get to having another grandchild, since Ani can't seem to have them." :eek: Yea, lots and lots of tears were shed that year, but by the next Christmas, I had a healthy, beautiful 4 month old son. :)
my first husband's mother in law made it quite clear from the get go that I was not good enough for her darling son. At Christmas time, when her son, daughter and son in law all recieved gifts in excess of $100, I got the ugliest top I have ever seen. It was a size twelve, I was barely a four at the time. It was sort of wobbly stripes of bright yellow, green white and black, sleeveless (in the middle of southern Idaho winter - two feet of snow on the ground) with a cowl neck.
That went into the trash.
My worst gift didn't come at Christmas. It came when I graduated high school.
My two older sisters had each gotten a nice suitcase from an aunt and uncle. I got a 'necessities' pack from the local college. You guessed. It contained such items as deodorant, tampons, sanitary pads, soap, etc.
Okay. Let me see if I can explain this correctly.
We did not have a Nativity set our first year we were married. Out of the goodness of her heart, Dh's Aunt gave us one that I don't believe she had opened.
It was plastic, and badly made, but that wouldn't have stopped us from displaying it. What DID stop us from displaying it was one of the shepherds. Um... how do I phrase this delicately? Okay. The shepherd and one of the sheep were a single piece, they could not be separated. I believe the intention was for it to look like the shepherd was comforting the sheep.... but he is kneeling directly behind the sheep, who is rearing up on it's hind legs.
Yes. What you are picturing is EXACTLY what it looked like.
My worst gift came on my first anniversary. We were on a houseboat with about 10 other people. My husband handed me a small box with a picture of my present in since we were on vacation and he couldn't bring it along. It was..........a new vacuum!! I smiled politely and thanked hime. When we were alone I quietly told him if I ever got a present like that again I would divorce him. LOL
My worst gift wasn't my gift. About 9yrs ago I had the flu, we HAD to go to Dh's grandma's for Christmas. (no one cared I was sick) I took a bunch of cold medicine to try to help me not feel like dying. Well they let a 6yr old hand out the gifts. When he gave me mine I just opened it a little and said thank you. I could see it was some kind of clothes. ( I really was too doped up to even care what it was) When I got home DH looked at it better and seen it wasn't my gifts it was his cousin's ( his name is similer to mine). He took it back over to his grandma's and everyone felt so sorry for the cousin because he didn't think he had gotten anything.
The worst part is EVERY year someone has to bring it up. They act like I knew it wasn't mine and just didn't say anything. EVERY year I explain I was too drugged up on cold med. to even know who's it was. They always say how bad his cousin must have felt thinking he didn't get anything.(cousin is my age) No one seemed to care I felt like I was dying from the flu.
My family was poor and we lived in a very little space. My mother did have some money to buy some presents but no place to hide it from three curious children. (We were 6, 5, and 3). So she asked her mother to keep them at her house and bring them to our apartment on Christmas Eve.
Well, dear Grammy didn't feel like coming that Chrismas Eve night and she was never a morning person, so we three children awake on Christmas to find zip, nada, zilch, neitz under the Christmas tree. Dear Grammy finally came over about 4pm in the afternoon with a story that "Santa made a mistake and brought them to her house."
That pretty much shot any belief in Santa I might have still have and to this day, I don't like Santa related stuff. And I am "happy" when a child gets old enought to figure that Santa is just a Polite fiction. (2 down and 2 to go.)
At our house, Santa brings a book to each child. My youngest child (7) wants to know why our Santa only brings books and why can't we have the toy bringing type.