just wondered what the average infant (around 8 months) sleeps we've never had a child this young and his schedulr seems a little off late nap then wanting to be awake @ 11 or 12 just wondered.
We have a little one who is 8 months old right not. Here is his sleep schedule:
Morning nap 10:30-12:00
Afternoon nap 2:30-4:00
Nightime 8:00-7:30
I would put him down for 2 hour stretches for naps but 1 1/2 hours is pushing it. He likes to sleep in the early evening in daddy's arms watching tv for about 15 minutes too.
I have two thoughts on why that might be happening. DS sleeps from 7:30 - 6:30/7 every night. We feed him 6-8 oz at 5, then after his bath another full bottle. Then we cuddle and rock hi and he usually takes another 2 or 3 to get to sleep. So we are heavier on the food later in the day and he never wakes up anymore (also he's on a thicker formula and his tummy is bigger but he used to wake up once at 4am for months what fun). Usually if he did wake up it was to eat.Now there is also a chance you aren't putting the baby into a deep enough sleep. Back when E needed help getting to sleep (now he can close the deal himself if he is drowsy) we couldn't put him down unless his arms were entirely limp. IF we just thought he was asleep he'd pop up. Even after he goes limp, go a while longer. It takes longer but it's worth the effort. Also, is he dressed warmly enough. Warm babies sleep longer (not a hot room, just warmly dressed). You may already do this but try bathing him in lavendar wash and lotion, smells lovely and makes them drowsy. And light massage when you put on the lavendar etc.I had a lot of problems with E' sleep and he still doesn't nap consistently but nights are good. Oh and i'm sure you know when he wakes at 10, don't change him unless it's poo and don't engage him and try to do everything in the "dark"Sorry to preach but this happened to us so often.