To anyone who is considering participating in the email interview about foster mom's experience of attachment to their foster child please know that ALL information will remain confidential. Please see the following explanation of the interview process:
Thank you for volunteering to participate in the research for my doctoral dissertation on the question, What is the foster motherӒs experience of attachment with her foster child? I value the unique contribution that you will make to my study and I look foreword to working with you.
The purpose of this letter is to reiterate some of the things that we have previously discussed, such as the nature of the research design I am using, its purpose, process, and what I am hoping you will be able to share with me.
The research model I am using is a qualitative one, heuristics, which seeks thorough descriptions of your experience of attachment to your foster children, or in other words, the experience of mothering a foster child.
I seek to examine how this experience has impacted your life. I would like to explore your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, as well as the people, events, and circumstances connected with your experience.
Prior to and during the interviews, I will be asking you to think about and recall specific experiences you have had while being a foster parent and your thoughts and feelings about your foster child.
I want to assure you of the confidentiality of this project. Your name will not be used in this study. However, it is possible that a reader may think they recognize some of the information you share during the interview. Measures have been taken to avoid revealing your identity.
Thank you for your participation as a co-researcher. I deeply value your generosity in the commitment of your time, energy, and effort in the contribution of this research study.
If you have any questions regarding the nature of my research before signing the release form, or if there is a problem with the time and place of our meeting, please contact me at I look forward to conecting with you.
Dondi Browner, Psy.S. LLP