Hi all I'm looking for any info on my birth family. I was born Jan 30 1982. My parents were living together but not married. They were in their early twenties. I think the it was an adventist adoption agency. I would really just like some background info for health concerns.Thanks.
If you want to search on your own in WA, the first thing you need to do is send for your "non-identifying information" (non-id). You can get this from the following places:
1. County where the adoption was finalized (usually same county where adoptive parents lived)
2. Adoption Agency, if one was involved.
3. DSHS (welfare, social services, 'the state' or 'the county'), if they were involved.
Request the non-id from all possible places. In WA, the law allows the first name(s) to be released along with ages, physical description, etc. You can use this info to search on your own or with the help of search angels.
You also have the option of hiring a Confidential Intermediary (CI). There are pros and cons to that so investigate before going down that road.
There's also a great Yahoo group that helps with searches in the Northwest. Go to Yahoo Groups and search for "northwest adoption search" and you'll find it. All help is free (no paid searchers allowed) and most people find it really helpful to hear other's stories as they go through the search and reunion process (pretty emotional journey).
Good luck!
-Pennu :wings: