Have y ou had anyexperience with the Adoption Link in Ohio. Please PM me about your experiences, your wait time ect...
Hi Terri,
I just read your post & thought I would reply. Right now, my husband & I are waiting with Adoption Link to be matched. We've been waiting for 1yr & 4mos. We've come close a few times; but haven't been chosen. Part of the reason we are still waiting, is because we would like a Caucasian newborn. So, if you are open to gender & race..then your wait shouldn't be long. Most placements the have are either African-American/Bi-Racial. The ladies that work at the agency are really nice though & know their stuff. They worked rather quickly with us to get our home study done. I would say if we are thinking about using with them first to get your questions answered & decide if they are right for you.
If you have anymore questions, I will try to answer them--just send me a PM!!
Please remember to keep all agency discussion to PM.
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