I took a test last night at 8pm. It only showed one line. I am not sure if I did not wait long enough for the results, or if there is a way it screwed up. I went back in the bathroom a couple hours later and looked in the garbage. My test was there. It had 2 lines. The 2nd was not a straight line, but a line none the less.
Is there a way it just messed up from sitting too long? Or did I not wait long enough for the line to show up?
I plan on going to Dr either way, but just want opinions. Thanks.
I am scared! I don't know what to do. :hissy:
I do believe that it is possible that it sat to long. I would say definitely make a doctor's appointment to confirm your results.
Best of luck!
That the test said to read at (10-15 minutes usually), chances are it was an evaporation line. I was plagued by evaporation lines when we were TTC. I would either test again, or see a dr. Chances are 1st visit the dr will give you a urine test anyway, so you might want to save you co-pay (if you have one) and buy another test. Hormone levels double every 24 hours in early pregnancy so if you are expecting, and there was enough hormone for a line the other night, there will be a darker (usually faster appearing) line the next time you test as well. Also taking your test with first morning urine will give you the most accurate results.
Best of luck!
You could possible be pregnant but usually if the test sits to long it will show a positive later on. I would either retest or go see your doctor.
So there is still a chance I am pregnant? I haven't had my period since Mid November. Since then, I have not been careful when with my boyfriend. Stupid, I know, but too late now.
It was a lab test my friend got for me from the lab she works at. It said results should be ready in 4minutes. It didn't say anything else. No instructions on it otherwise.
I asked her if she could get me one more. So I will take it as soon as she can get it to me.
I am also not sure how soon the test got the 2nd line. It could have been right after I left it in the garbage, or an hour or 2 away. So, a 2nd test is the only for sure way to know.
I wish I had something to offer you, but I have no experience with home pregnancy tests. I can tell you are nervous, but try to get some rest and do another test in a couple days. Sometimes stress can make your periods irregular, so try to relax. I understand this is a scary time for you, and just wanted to let you know that you're not alone. We'll wait here with you...
It is very scary looking at those tests.
Do you have a Planned Parenthood near you? They can help with pregnancy testing as well as talk to you about, and provide, birth control options. Does "being careful"mean you are using birth control?
Several things can lead to a missed period, as stated above - stress, weight loss, etc. In my opinion, you should buy a test at the drug store. Look at the different ones. There are many options and many price ranges. A test is made to be read in the time listed for that test. Several of them change the readings when the urine saturates for a longer period of time. When I had my last child, I opted for the digital test which simply said, "pregnant" or "not pregnant" in words - not lines. It can also be used at any time of the day, but the hormone levels are strongest in the morning. My thoughts are with you.
You could be pregnant or it could be an evaporation line. Take another test from a store that has instructions with it and follow them. Do not read a test's results after the allotted amount of time.
I would also recommend you go to your doctor or clinic for a blood test to see if you are pregnant or not.
Best of luck.
For cheapie preg tests, I would try your local Dollar Store. They have them there for a $1. They're surprisingly accurate and fast... and you can grab a couple for what you might normally pay. That way you can test, and test, and test until your satisfied. Good luck!