For those of you that have finalized your domestic adoptions IN Michigan, how long did it take after birthparents rights were terminated until finalization happened? I'm wondering if it's 6 months after placement, or 6 months after rights are terminated. Anybody know? We live in Utah, but it looks like they've submitted our paperwork so we'll finalize in Michigan.
For us it was 6 months past the TPR hearing.
Natalie was placed with us in November, TPR was not until February, finalization was in August.
It can seem like a long time but once TPR is over, there is not much chance of it NOT finalizing.
Erin's right - both our boys were born in December (2 years apart). TPR was signed in February, (the bparents have 21 days to contest after signing) then our finalization was in August.
I think our SW came to our home once in that six month period.
I see the bfather asked for the baby back at 2 weeks of age. Since that was within the 21 days of legal revolk in the state of Michigan, I think your case will be different and will have to follow Michigan laws.Was there a court order to return the child to the legal father?Maybe that is Feb's hearing?
I hope it all works out.
Thanks everyone for your thoughts... so it looks like I'll plan on it happening in August as long as everything works out at the TPR hearing in February. No there hasn't been a court order to return the child to the father. He a punitive father. The judge at the pre-trial in November refused to hear his paternity hearing first. So he'll have to convince the judge that he's a fit parent at the age of 15 (he turned 15 a month ago) and can't rely on his parents for his parenting plan. Since he spent two weeks in drug rehab last year, and is currently attending the alternitive high school for juvenile delinquency our lawyer isn't very worried that he'd succed. But it still makes me nervous. I will be very relieved when this is all over. Thanks for your help!
Don't they have a certain amount of time to actually contest? We didn't run into this issue so I don't remember the timeframes.
Oh, and Eve's finalization was six months after TPR, which was delayed a month since her bparents were on vacation. We had to have two visits in that six month time. I think it's one every three months until adoption is finalized.