I probably have one of the most horrendous stories about adoption you've ever heard. I was initially abandoned in a junkyard in San Antonio Texas; found and taken the Mexican Orphanage. Adopted after a brief stay; to a family who physically, mentally and sexually abused me. I was taken to a juvenile detention facility in Houston for almost a year. Then to Coastal Bend Youth City, and classified as a Ward of the State. I was forced to work at hard labor; forced to eat food contaminated with insect excrement; beaten daily; never allowed to go to school. I was one of only four Caucasian kids at this facility, and subjected to constant discrimination. I was never given any medical or dental treatment; or psychiatric evaluations. I was never taught any life skills there, and when I left there, I ended up homeless. After getting back on my feet, I successfully petitioned the Texas Youth Commission to close Youth City; which happened in late 2002. Were my human and civil rights violated while I was a Ward of the State? Most definitely. If you're going to be an orphan or a foster child...pick another state besides Texas. For self-therapy, write a book. Mine is called "Can They Here Me Crying?" What options do a person like me have regarding restitution from the State?
I probably have one of the most horrendous stories about adoption you've ever heard. I was initially abandoned in a junkyard in San Antonio Texas; found and taken the Mexican Orphanage. Adopted after a brief stay; to a family who physically, mentally and sexually abused me. I was taken to a juvenile detention facility in Houston for almost a year. Then to Coastal Bend Youth City, and classified as a Ward of the State. I was forced to work at hard labor; forced to eat food contaminated with insect excrement; beaten daily; never allowed to go to school. I was one of only four Caucasian kids at this facility, and subjected to constant discrimination. I was never given any medical or dental treatment; or psychiatric evaluations. I was never taught any life skills there, and when I left there, I ended up homeless. After getting back on my feet, I successfully petitioned the Texas Youth Commission to close Youth City; which happened in late 2002. Were my human and civil rights violated while I was a Ward of the State? Most definitely. If you're going to be an orphan or a foster child...pick another state besides Texas. For self-therapy, write a book. Mine is called "Can They Here Me Crying?" What options do a person like me have regarding restitution from the State?
Folks, in addition to my original post; I should point out that since I never received any education while I was a ward of the state; I have my husband (a doctor) write for me. I should point out that I am learning, and getting better. I even co-authored my book "Can They Hear Me Crying?" (c). I also wanted to include that during my time as a ward of the state; I was being sexually molested and assaulted by the Kleberg County Judge in Kingsville Texas. People like us can fix the system...we just need a little help, and someone to listen. I survived my journey, because God gifted me with beauty; but what happened to me does still sting.
Your story is an incredible one. How on earth are you walking and talking today? It sounds as though criminal charges should be filed against the state, and your caregivers. I can't tell you what to do, but I would suggest contacting a Civil Rights agency to initiate some kind of case. I wish you the best. I am certain that when you do reach that ripe old age, and pass on; you will definitely go to heaven; because you've already experienced hell here on earth. I saw that your book was listed at the Library of Congress, so congratulations.