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what about the people felt that AT messed them up? Some of them are older know, and do speak out how horrible it was.
everything goes back to choice for me. people who want to do yoga, fine. But if someone is making someone do yoga, to gain control of them, then I find its abusive.
I think you keep forgetting that the kids who need this extreme therapy are extremely disturbed. Beth, the child in the original post, was known as the "Child of Rage".
believe me, i dont forget, and that is why i post a different side, to have people realize that these kids our one of our most vulneralbe populations.
even the parents are vulnerable, trying to get help for there kids. I get this, I really do. People do things, anything, in desperate times, but that doesnt mean its a good thing to do.
I'm talking about a healthy level of compliance with authority.
I agree lorraine, but at the same time, by physical forcing control on a child, I dont think it actually is a 'healthy' way for them to be complient. I think something gets lost in the translation.
The book being quoted contains the child's viewpoint and healing as well as Nancy Thomas' view
Well, I wont go that far. Though the book potrays what the child was feeling, its really hard to know exactly. My son is 12 yrs old, and he still interprets things wrong. There are kids who accuse parents of trying to kill them and that is sad, they really feel that is what happened.
Beth was a very hurt child. Its hard to really know what was going on in her head. Her side, more then nancys, seemed very clinical. I dont think most children are in that tuned withh their feelings, never mind a hurt child.