I just found out about this country yesterday. I would like to know more though. Can you please tell me if you recently came home what your experience was like? Do you have to make two trips? How long do you have to stay in country? How old were your children when they came home?
Thank you,
Hi Faith,
I found out about Kyrgyzstan just exactly 6 months ago on this board, from "mcanvasback" or Melanie. I really rec'd Kyrgyzstan... although we are just waiting on referral, but hoping it will be really soon. All agencies have slightly different rules, as it seems there are inconsistencies between them, but in general you have to make 2 trips (only one organization is still doing 1 trip) for the two trip agencies times in country vary from 1-2 weeks for the first trip and about 10-12 days for the second in general. Children are coming home about 4 months and up...If you need any help or I can answer questions in more detail, please pm was on this board that I found Kyrgyzstan, and thankfully, because I truly believe our child is waiting for us there. Best of luck to you...I know you will find/your child will find you. :)
I would join the Kyrgyzstan adoption yahoo group. The link is [url=]kyrgyzstanadoptiongroup : Kyrgyzstan Adoption[/url]
you will get tons of info, pictures, database with agency info, etc. I was happy with my agency as they found me my precious, beautiful daughter, Isabella (see her pics on this forum under mcanvasback threads, or in the yahoo forum