I know that all of us as moms and dads think our children are the most creative boys(as we should all feel). But how is your child creative? Do they love to draw? Are they great at singing and coming up with fun and inventive songs? A great story teller? Has an imagination that is fun? Builds or constructs really cool things? Or all the other things that we think our kids do that is really awsome!
I don't think I have any one child who is stellar in one particular area. (Yet! :D ) All the kids like to draw or paint. I put their pictures on my kitchen cabinet doors which have a raised edge so it looks like the pictures are framed. When they get a little worn, we 'retire' that collection (can you spell 'trash can'?) and hang the next collection.The kids like to build with cardboard boxes. Dh works where he can get lot of them, so every once in awhile I put in a request and Daddy brings home a ton of boxes. We put them back into 3-D (they often come home flattened) and the kids build away. They like to create with soap foam. Really bubbly liquid dish soap water in a shallow pan and they usea straws to make it REALLY bubbly then they sculpt with the bubbles. Or in the tub they get that colored foam soap (like shaving cream, but from the kiddie section of the soap aisle) and do all kinds of sculpting with it on their bodies. Umm...mud is always a cool art medium. Snow is kind of fun for a bit, until frost nip sets in. :evilgrin: I prefer snow because it is cleaner, though!
My oldest son went on a Dinosaur hunt in the woods with a friend today. He came back all excited about the dinosaur tracks they saw and he even said, "we might want to move because we have dinosaurs living just right over there." ;)My little one loves to make up songs and dances. He also loves to joke, and makes up jokes that aren't quite funny yet, but he's getting there. :)
My oldest has quite the imagination...he is always wanting you to play with him and gets mad when you don't use the right voice as a car, truck, frog, etc. He even took all his Gummie Bears to school recently in his "Monster School Bus". My youngest is more of an engineer...always has to figure out how things work. His favorite is the vacuum cleaner. He knows how to run my Dyson like it is his. DH called me at work because he couldn't figure something out on it and I told him to have Bear look at it and show him...and he did. You should have seen his face when I took out the blender last week!
My youngest is more of an engineer...always has to figure out how things work. His favorite is the vacuum cleaner. He knows how to run my Dyson like it is his. DH called me at work because he couldn't figure something out on it and I told him to have Bear look at it and show him...and he did. You should have seen his face when I took out the blender last week!
Even funnier...we took the kids to a children's museum that was in a historic fire house on the Oregon coast last weekend. They had fire trucks the kids could play on and the upstairs had every type of toy you could imagine because it was s full time pre-school that the opened to the public on the weekend to generate revenue. When we got there they had just cleaned up from teh day before and the vacuum was still out...of all things, Bear saw THAT and squeeled as he dove to play with it! We had to ask them to put it away so that he would play with something else! We did not pay an entrance fee so that he could sit there and clean the facility all morning!
Your boys are all so creative!Mine is just 16 months, but I thought this was pretty crative. He took off his belt at church yesterday and spent the whole time playing with it. At on point it was a phone and he had the buckle up to his ear saying "ello". Then it was a car, he was doing the "vrmmmm"s up and down the bench. The Lady behind us was cracking up the whole time!