How do I go about setting up respite in duval county for our niece? Do I call her SW that oversees her (PSI SW) or do I can the Boys Home whom we are licensed thru? I've never done it before so I thought I'd see if anyone here has and what you did to setup respite. Thanks!
I just call placement and the case manager. I tell them exactly the dates and times so there is no misunderstanding and let them handle it. If your county is anything like mine - they will hold off until the last minute and then rush like mad. We let them know (in Nov) when we took our present placements (the sib grp) that we would be leaving on a certain date in Feb and it's awful close - last I heard - they are still working on it. They have 4 days now to get it together. . . . Call them all, give them all the same info and just keep reminding them. We once had to cancel plans because I "forgot to remind" them. LOL
they offer respite for a relative placement thats for adoption, since its yor niece they may ask y she needs respite and or Y your back up can't be used. this is your niece that yor adopting why would you want to place her into a fosterhome? imho it may set her back. if i were you id consider that
Was not intended to upset you as it seems it did. I was just giving my oppinion as to the effect on your niece knowing the history and fight you had to bring her home, and what you have shared about her past. as far as your status as fosterparent I am aware that you are a foster parent. but was under the impression you did so for the goal of having and adopting your niece soon to be daughter.
I am fostering to adopt our niece. I don't see it as any different then anyone else fostering to adopt a child. The child we are fostering to adopt just happens to be related to us. As parents we all need time off once in awhile....what does it matter who the children are in our home? There is nobody here I can trust to watch her and nobody is cleared as a backup for me therefore we are on our own. I can't just leave her with anyone therefore I felt that I could use respite, however we are not going away for our anniversary afterall so I won't need it. Thanks for everyone responses...
Hi. I don't think MOM2BEHAPPY meant her post to be negative but it certainly came off that way.
You are correct. You may provide respite for anyone as a licensed foster care provider and any other may do the same for you.
We ALL need respite on occasion and none of us should be made to feel guilty or ashamed to ask for the break. All parents do it, and just because our children are more emotionally fragile does not mean WE don't need time off for ourselves and our marriages.
Please try to get away for your anniversary. You are probably an emotional wreck yourself these days (I know I would be so soon after my mother's death----she is my backup everything). Take some time off. Just be sure to check this placement out and take your daughter (niece) to meet the people before-hand.
Good luck and please don't ANY foster parents feel guilted into never taking a break. We are not super-human.