My husband and I were recently matched with a legal risk adoption for a sibling group of 2 from domestic foster care. We have 3 daughters, ages 4,6, and 17. We had our first pre-placement visit on Saturday. Honestly, everything went REALLY well. The kids got along pretty good. But after they left, I completely fell apart. I'm just scared to death. Am I making the right decision for my family? Will my birth kids get hurt? Physically and/or emotionally? Can I really mother 5 kids??? Am I crazy for doing this? Are these normal fears??? I don't know if it just became really "real" to me or what but I would greatly appreciate any feedback on how others did with this process.
Scared is normal. This is a huge undertaking. Being cautious and asking lots of questions is the right thing to do.
Will your birth kids be hurt? I don't know. Will they be affected? Absolutely. Our son is certainly affected by the children who have lived with us, bonded with him, and then left. He is certainly affected by the child we are inthe process of adopting. Sometimes it is hard for him, like when we are working through difficult challenges that come with parenting a child with a trauma history. Sometimes it is beneficial, like when we talk about feelings and differences. My son is a very compassionate and sensitive young man. He understands that people have different experiences and he is very compassionate about that.
There are so many factors. What are the ages of the sibling group? How long have they been in foster care? How many placements have they had? What medical/emotional challenges do they have? How much communication can you have with their current foster home? How honest is the social worker about their history?
Get informed. Talk with your kids. Good luck.
The kids are 5 and 3. They have been in foster care for 2.5 years. They have only had one placement. I have had LOTS of contact with the current foster mom. We are texting almost daily. The social worker is being less than honest. I have caught her in one outright lie. Medical needs are minor....adhd meds. Emotional needs I'm still not sure I fully understand how great they may be.