My son is almost 3 we realized it was time to potty train when he goes all night without wetting and will tell us to change him right after he has pooped. The "straw that broke the camels back" is when I tried to get him to come and be changed and he hid on me but I had another child to change so I figure I would go get him out of his "hiding place" when I was done with this other child. While I changed the other child I heard grunting. He was pooping so he could be changed right away instead of soiling a clean diaper. That to me seems as though the brain function to realize when you have to go and what happens after you go is working just fine. We were doing good the first couple of days. Taking it slow and concentrating on the peeing first. But after the firsat couple of days he would refuse to go with me in the room and then he would refuse to go. He would curl his toes and shake trying not to go. The sound of water in the other room would be too much and he would not be able to hold back. But this morning he happened to be on the toilet when he pooped and we praised and decided if he understood everytime he went on the potty he had to pee we could work on pooping too. Today I heard him grunting while playing (Iwas in the kitchen doing dishes) so I hurried and went in there and took him to the toilet and he had started to poop. I took his undies off and put him on the toilet and said to finish in the toilet. He got off squatted and pooped on the floor then picked up a peice and smeared it down my pants. He of course knows better than that.
How do I get him to just go on the toilet and not be gross about it because he is mad. We make it fun and he gets praise and what not when he goes. He loves the idea of potty when we talk about it but when we put it into practice he refuses to cooperate at times. Sometimes he is great others he would rather chew off his arm. This is just the latest thing he wants to be stubborn about and wiping poop on me. Well what can I say. I just want to know how to get him to cooperate and go he is very smart almost to smart for his own good.
Sorry you haven't rec'd any responses. I wish I had some answers for you but my DD basically trained herself and early!
I read both your posts ( including the one on another thread). I was curious if there was something you could do to POSITIVELY motivate your son? I did not use rewards but maybe your DS would respond to "rewards"???
The reason I say "positive" is I notice my DD acting out when I don't focus on the "positives." Maybe I am a bad mom but I slip into the "no", "don't do that" and focusing on negative occasionally. Once someone points it out to me or I notice and do the 180 to focus on the positive and basically ignore the negative her behavior improves DRAMATICALLY!...
This may not help in your case because you do point out that you reward / praise extensively when he does use the potty!
Did you let your DS have "control" by selecting his "underwear" (favorite character). If he has an accident in favorite undewear then put on generic so it is not the "FAVORITE" ones? Also we watched ALOT of ELMO potty on video! It is a well done video!
Don't know if any of that will help. I will be sending good thoughts and prayers your way.
We were fortunate. Our boy took to it potty training easily. Have you considered turning it into a bit of a game? It sounds like you are "We make it fun and he gets praise and what not when he goes."
I've heard some parents floated a couple of Cheerios in the toilet to give their son a "target" as incentive. Like I said, I'm not speaking from a point of experience here, only what I've heard anecdotally, but I could see the potential appeal. That may help with the peeing to get him used to it and comfortable with the process. That second stage is a real challenge though.
Wish I had more to suggest. Good Luck.
To answer your questions he got to pick out his undies at the store. And he would sit down on his potty to pee because he was more comfortable. We tried the alarm ever hour to remind him to go and making him change out of his wet clothes after he peed. He would just cry and change and be ashamed. Nothing helped and slowly over a few days he started shutting down. And on the 6th day of potty training he sat on the potty and said he was not done(I though he was pooping) and scratched his groin until it bled. Then the next day he scratched his left butt cheeck until it bled. So I took the potty and hid it and hid his undies and put everything back to diapers the next morning so when he woke up it was as if the week had not happened. He at first tried not to pee his diaper but eventually gave in. And now we are working on just saying words. Like when he has pooped his diaper I will ask him "did you poop?" and when he says yes I change him if he says no I dont change him and ask again in 5 minutes.
We also have been putting him on the potty when we go somewhere. We went to the hockey game and I had to go so I took him with and let him go and he did. I think reminding him this way makes him think about it. Also his regular speach is only at a 12-18 month old level even though he has better speech and understands more he shuts down as soon as he thinks he may be wrong so we have to work on that.