hey everyone...I always thought that when i became a parent I would have the answers to everything. Well now that I actually realize how the world works, I know that I was sadly mistaken. It's almost like if us parents are made to think that if we don't have an answer for everything we are doing something wrong.
Well I for one will not feel bad about not not knowing the answer to everything because lets be honest, I don't.
I was browsing the internet for birthday ideas for my son (he turns 5 next month) and I came across this video website with a pretty big family section and it actually gave me some good ideas. I just wanted to share the knowledge, cause I know I would have appreciated it if someone did with me. It's
[url=]Wonder How To - Family How To Videos[/url]
p.s.- it's free.
p.p.s.- I have no affiliation with this site and do not consider this "spamming", just trying to share some information I found useful.