I am so disappointed with the non identifying information. It didn't give me much information at all, basically just a check list of sorts stating gender, dob, time of birth, birth weight, length, date certificate was filed, mother's age at birth, mother's birthplace, race, and mother's education level. Maybe I'm blind to the information but this can probably fit half of the people in the US at the time. *sigh* HELP!!
Sorry! It wasn't much, but I was happy to know things like time of birth etc... I never had that prior to my non id. I hope you find more information as you go along.
mother's age at birth, mother's birthplace, race, and mother's education level.
If you think you have a match.. especially on the net.. you have some major information..
Thanks to both of you, perhaps some of the info will be the missing puzzle peice at some point, but it just seems so far fetched at this point. I guess I wished for some sort of history, like what school, the mother's birth date, that sort of thing. WIshful thinking, now I know isn't reality. I can survive on hope... for now!
My bson contacted me from one of my search messages on the net..
I was able to type up what I knew about his amom and we knew we were a match..
Feel fortunate. My non id info was next to nothing. The only thing in it was a social workers write up of an early home visit she made and the fact that a registered letter was sent to my birth mother for info to put in the file but no reply was received.
I am so disappointed with the non identifying information. It didn't give me much information at all, basically just a check list of sorts stating gender, dob, time of birth, birth weight, length, date certificate was filed, mother's age at birth, mother's birthplace, race, and mother's education level. Maybe I'm blind to the information but this can probably fit half of the people in the US at the time. *sigh* HELP!!
i got the same thing from okc dhs,so try the old newspapers where you were born if you were'nt adopted at birth then your anouncement should be there.
that's where i found my father's name.:clap:
Thanks to both of you, perhaps some of the info will be the missing puzzle peice at some point, but it just seems so far fetched at this point. I guess I wished for some sort of history, like what school, the mother's birth date, that sort of thing. WIshful thinking, now I know isn't reality. I can survive on hope... for now!
You know how old she was when you where born. Do the math and from there you can figure her birth year and how old she is now (I'm a math genius. hahaha)
was she born in a big town? There might be only 1 high school.
some non-id is cr*p based on the person doing it. I have heard of people requesting it again to see what other info they can get.
Also, you can write to the hospital and get your birth medical records, most likely. Her name could be in those records blacked out with marker.
I was able to find my bmom knowing her first name and birth year. My search angel pulled a list of registered voters with her first name and born in 1948. I had 78 ladies to google and dig for info. It can be done with very little.
just some suggestions! don't give up!
please help me with the voter thing,i need to find my b mom in oklahoma city okla. email me at(,thanks if you can help