I am new at this online support groups, but I have read a lot of them. My husband and I are not able to have kids naturally. I worked with a girl at my old job and she became pregant and didn't want the child. She asked us to adopt and we started the process. For the whole nine months I went to every dr. appt. with her, took her shopping for new clothes and helped her through college. When it came time to have the baby we were there and watched the most amazing thing life has to offer, a new baby. Well to make a long story short we took the baby home and then after 3 days the birthmom changed her mind and we had to give the baby back. So my husband and I started IVF a few month later. The Dr. said that everything looked good and then we found out 3 days before christmas that it didn't work. Now broke, a lose of faith and a hurting heart we are still trying to keep our dreams alive. I am just asking for prays and support.
My prayers are with you. Hang in there and know that God has a perfect plan for you. When His plan comes to fruition you will understand the past hurts.
Just a suggestion... Have you ever considered adoption from the foster system? Besides the joy of adding a child to your family you have the knowledge that you are bringing a child into God's family that stood little chance of knowing Him. As an added bonus it is either free or very low cost based on the age and/or whether you use an agency or go straight thru the state. Even though many of us have chosen to adopt older children, there are also very young children and even infants that need forever families. I urge you to at least take a close look at the program.