In addition to Colombian food, what other cultural topics would you like to address in this forum? First, let me know if having posts about Colombian culture would interest you. Yes/ No Here are some ideas I have. Let me know what interests you. Could you please rank the following ideas from most interesting to least interesting? History: Literature: Music: Folklore & Superstitions: Customs & Etiquette Colombian Slang: Or add your own suggestions.
Absolutely!! It's so nice of you to offer to provide this here!
I feel like I can find general facts, information on Colombia's history, etc., but it's hard to really understand the things like etiquette, folklore, slang, music, etc. I would love to learn more about those things and day-to-day life in Colombia before I have the opportunity to go.
I am really looking forward to reading your posts!!
This is great!
I husband loves to dig into history and geography, so he's already got that covered.
On the other hand, our collection of Spanish music includes music from all of Latin America but I'd really love to know some that is specific or special to Colombia or has it's roots there.
Customs & Etiquette most definitely.
Slang...yep...we'll need this one at our house. (and maybe you could p.m. me some of the words we should NOT be allowing to be said in our quite conservative home since I don't know any of those - that is if you do?)
Literature...yes, especially what is considered "classic" for children
Thank you so much for doing this!
It is great of you to be able to share with all of us! I am interested in learning all that I can about Colombia. Music and literature....I would also be interested in recipes, foods, and holiday traditions. We have started to incorporate Guatemalan traditions into our family and are looking forward to incorporating Colombian traditions as well!
Thank you! :thanks: