I am interested in adopting an AA infant in 2009 and I have some questions to ask APs who have already walked this wonderful path. I am a single AA woman and would love a single-friendly agency. I am grateful for any information you PM me with; and will appreciate any advice that you can give on what to expect during the process.
What agencies did you use ?
How was your experience ?
How long was your wait for placement ?
How much did you pay in fees ? ( I am planning on a budget of about $15,000 is this realistic ?)
Since you are looking for a DD only that will limit your agency choices. Most agencies do not allow gender selection. My advice is to look for baby born situations which is a good idea for AA adoptions. IMO the family dynamics are a little too complicated in prebirth matches in AA situations.
I'll PM the agency I used to you. They do allow gender selection but it's mostly baby born situations when you are gender specific.
Your budget is reasonable because the fees are lower for AA adoptions.
We paid more than 15K because we used an agency that set its fees on a sliding scale based on your income.
Thank you SleepLvr, I definitetly would love a baby born situation. By reading other post I've seen that a lot of AA mothers decide to parent after the baby is born so baby born situtations would be less of a risk.
Our agency didn't call us until after the TPR's were signed. We were the only family open to gender, the rest were waiting for girls. We got a gorgeous baby girl. She'll be 3 years old in may.