My husband just recently has gotten information to find his half brother that was adopted. We found him on this web site. We emailed and did not receive an answer. So we mailed a letter with an email address if he wanted to contact us. Still nothing. How long should we wait? The strangest part is we know where he lives and pass it daily. Yes it is a small world. We don't want to be pushy, but since we have contacted him in two ways, should we do anything else? Or just leave it that he changed his mind. Thank you.
I found my son on the website. The address and info was out of date. He never got the email or letter I sent. The phone number was out of date as well. Are you sure you have the current address? Also, even after I contacted his parents (I now had enough info to find them.), it took a couple months until D actually contacted me. It takes time to actually deal with the emotions, etc. He may not have changed his mind, but he may need to think what to say in his first contact with you.
yes actually we know it is the right address. We were not sure about the email. That is why we mailed a letter. As I mentioned, we pass his house daily and have seen him several times. It just seems surreal to see him and not talk to him. I guess I am just impatient! Thanks Kathy for your thoughts on the matter.
It's incredibly hard to wait... (been there!) You could try making a phone call if you get too impatient, but I think you may need to be careful he doesn't feel like he's being stalked. I had the help of emails from D's adoptive dad while I waited for D to contact me. It helped some. How long has it been? You could send him an Easter card! (saying you hope to hear from him soon.)
The main thing I don't want his him to feel stalked. He lives in my neighborhood in a very small town. It floored us that he could live anywhere, but we found him so close. I guess I am impatient because I have a half sister out there I have been looking for, for 25 years. All I have on her is a birthdate. I would love to find her! We found the information on him at Christmas this last year and could not believe we had found him in two weeks. We then waited because we did not know if he knew he was adopted. Then I found him on this site and we made the first contact. So I will sit on my hands and wait! :hissy:
Initial contact made! My mother in law got the nerve up and just called this weekend! She talked to his wife. He is a long haul trucker and won't be back for a few days. She seemed thrilled to hear from us. So we are waiting contact from him. So please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as this moves forward.
Well he surprised us all and showed up at my mother in laws yesterday to introduce himself. After talking for a while they called us and my husband went over. They had a good visit. It went very well. He has a wonderful family. So I guess to put a label on it, they decided it would be nice if they could at least be friends. They were all just tickled to meet finally. We will see where this adventure leads us! YEAH! :cheer: