Originally Posted By Faith
My son who is 3 has a half sister. His birthmom recently called and asked us to take care of her. She is 5 going on 6. I assume she means to adopt her. I cannot bear to think my son's sister will grow up in foster care. My son is extremely active and just when my husband and I decided this was it, we were content with just one child, we get this call. Our concern is that this child may not attach to us as we are strangers to her. Any thoughts, ideas?
Originally Posted By mom
No advice but we could be in the same situation so I'm interested in opinions too.
Recently due to an illness in the family my mother and I helped watched my nephews. With the mother being at the hospital and the father working and visiting the hospital the boys barely saw their parents for a long time. The 1 year old had a difficult time and eventually became really attached to my own parents(his grandparents). The 5 year old adjusted much better and was able to continue on like normal. I don't how much that story is related but I think the age of the child might make it easier to adjust to a new environment.
Originally Posted By Faith
Jamie, I have not as yet spoken with a professional counseler. Perhaps that is what I need to do since my son's (who is adopted)sister is already attached to his grandmother. The environment is very bad from what I can gather and it appears that my son's birthgrandmother is looking for a better environment for her granddaughter. She wants my husband and I to adopt her.
Any other ideas, thoughts, would be appreciated. I want to help but I'm scared!!