Hi, I am very new to this. My husband and I will be adopting a baby due in September. The birth mom is 16 and has chosen us to adopt her baby. We are very excited but a little unsure of what the next step is. I was told that we would have to have a home study done and that it could cost up to 1500$ We are not going thru any agencies, she has a lawyer and we will be signing papers over the next couple of weeks. Can anyone give us some info?? I read the home study can take several months.... Do we still have to have one done even if it's a private adoption??
I am not from New Brunswick, but as far as I know, yes, you do still need to have a homestudy. I would call an adoption attorney soon and ask questions!
Undoubtedly my reply is too late but social services will naturally have to inspect the premises into which the child is placed...private or through an agency, the adopted child has to be in a safe environment. I am an adopted child, having it done privately and a lawyer as well. Be careful, be informed and if you instints tell you otherwise, don't do it. The right one will come along.