Searching for my son. He was born in Silvis, Illinois at Illini Hospital. He was placed for adoption in early 1990 and it was finalized on 9-13-90. I believe he and his family still reside in the quad cities area (unsure if they are in Illinois or Iowa though). He has a younger brother (also adopted). The adoption was handled by Family Resources in Iowa. If my son finds this... please let me know if you have any desire to have contact. Anyone with information on how I might be able to search for him... please pm me or post a reply here. He is 19 (next week) and his aparents do not consent to communication at this time. If he doesn't contact me before he turns 21, and aparents still refuse contact, then I just want to locate their name and address to send them a letter (to be signed for exclusively by one of them so my bson doesn't get it accidentally) asking them to be sure to explain the circumstances of his adoption to him. I know absolutely nothing about his aparents.