Here. 2 boys: 7 & 19. I am an island of estrogen in a sea of testosterone.
Trucks, legos, dirty socks, and musical instruments everywhere. We've got the Mater underwear instead of Lightning McQueen.
I always joke that they can make the house go from clean to choas in 4.9 seconds.
Little guy just announced that once he and big bro were all grown up, we'd be 3 daddies and 1 mommy.
LOL! I understand.
We hvae mater and Lightning McQueen undies,in 2 different sizes, so I get to try and keep them straight. We also have spider man and superman and Bob the Builder (my 3 yr old goes through a lot of undies).
I here too! Although I don't seem to crawl out from under the 'orange hammer' and the 'tuck tuck' (screwdriver) and trucks and cranes and 'orange cloth diaper' (is orange a manly obession?) and the pile of food fallen under the table (mainly 'big orange')...
My guy will be 2 in September and he is one busy whirlwind of energy!
I *heart* my boy!
Seriously...the orange thing?!?!?!? My little guy's favorite color is orange - I bought him an orange shirt the other day, and I have to peel it off him every night just to throw it in the wash.
And if that's not bad enough, my boys decided to share a room, so they can have one bedroom and a play room - I told them they could pick the paint colors for each room - their bedroom is a lightish version of army green and tan with a military vehicle themed border.
Their playroom guessed it...bright orange. I mean, primary color, crayola crayon orange. UGH... I am painting my bathroom lavendar. A girls gotta have some semblance of femininity, right?
Checking in here. My olest is 12, getting ready to start middle school in the fall (7th grade here, for which I was grateful). Youngest is 8 1//2. E has gained so much weight in the last 6 months since coming off all adhd meds that I had to go buy him new underwear. He informed my he was no longer inerested in character underwear - he wanted boxers! Guess that is a true sign of growing up. Now if he could just remember to zip his pants!
By the way, he is totally into orange too. At least 50% of his wardrobe is orange.
Wow. I thought I was the only one with a boy obsessed with orange (Little guy, 7). If it's orange, he LOVES it. Clothes, toys, anything. We even an "ORANGE" party for one of his birthdays.
It's nice to know there are other mom drowning in orange!
My boys are 12 months and 8 months. Honestly, it really scares me when I see other boys out in public. It seems like they're nearly always pummelling each other. Yikes. What have I gotten myself into. :)
My boys are 12 months and 8 months. Honestly, it really scares me when I see other boys out in public. It seems like they're nearly always pummelling each other. Yikes. What have I gotten myself into. :)
Lol - I've seen the same thing...
Mine are 4 1/2 and 6 1/2 and I have to say that although there are the occasional walk bys where one will kick the other or flick his head, they really are few and far between. They are GREAT to each other...
Now the other day, we went to AJ's firstmoms house and she has a 19 month old. This kid would walk up to my boys and kick, punch, pull hair, kids spent the entire time either on my lap trying to crawl to the highest point of me, or in the fetal position on the floor.
When we came home, my neighbor said "So what do you think? Should your mom and dad have another baby?"
He shuddered and said "I've got all the brothers I can handle". Lol. Poor kids
My boys are 12 months and 8 months. Honestly, it really scares me when I see other boys out in public. It seems like they're nearly always pummelling each other. Yikes. What have I gotten myself into. :)
My boys do wrestle quite a bit. It starts off innocent enough, but then someone usually gets mad, or hurt.
They are full of energy, but a lot of fun, too.
I only have 1 (so far) and he's not yet 2 so the pummeling isn't there yet, Ohhh looking for to that. lol I hope for the childs sake the next on is a boy! I was the 2nd child with an older brother and I was the one that got pummeled!
But my thing is the RUNNING! I mean he NEVER walks, he has to run, his out of controll run, everywhere. Even if he only has 5 feet to go! And he is such a klutz, the bumps, bruises and road rash that are purely self enflicted because of the running is insane!
Do they ever learn to walk?
So far, my boys haven't learned to walk. When I tell my 3 year old to walk, he skips!
My nine and a half son started camp today! Yippee! Otherwise he would be sitting by my side right now bugging me, complaining and whining how BORED he is!
I'm a new mom to a baby boy, born 4/10. As I am reading your posts I can see I have lots to look forward to!!
I have to say that I never really imagined myself as a mom of boys...I mean, it's not like I was one who preferred girls, but whenever I pictured my family, there always seemed to be girls in my mind.
Let me tell you, though, as wild and crazy and silly and rambunctious, and loud and dirty and on and on and on...that these boys seem to be, I could not imagine my life any other way.
It's amazing to see the world through their eyes...To spend hours looking for frogs at the nature ride down the street on a bike pretending to be the actually believe that you're a superhero...
What a charmed life I lead!!
I have a 2 1/2 year old and love being mom to a boy. I always wanted boys and now I have one! He likes orange also but I think it's because it's the only color he can identify consistently :).
He had his first stitches 2 weeks ago- only 2 on his forehead, near his hairline. Can't wait to see what's next. He is a climbing, running machine.
What is the deal about the boys loving a certain color? My oldest for as long as I can remember (of course he is only 8) would think I was has always loved green. Now my youngest who just turned 4 loves the color red.